
Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Daisy visits Laura

My sister Laura (Hi Laura!) has been off traveling the world (or at least Europe) for the last 7ish months. So once she got back to the states, I decided I kind of missed her and planned a trip to visit her the first weekend she was back at school. And I decided to bring the boy to help me drive and the dog, because the dog waned to visit Knox College. (just go with it)
Daisy was really happy to see Laura and get a backseat buddy. Because you know, Chris and I were just torturing her making her sit back there alone for a whole 3 hours.

We had a great time visiting Laura and went on a walk around Knox College. Where Daisy got to visit some significant historical locations and roll around in a lot of new grass that she hadn't touched before. Overall thumbs up.

Here is Daisy and Laura at the site of the Lincoln-Douglas Debates. Daisy totally was amazed by the historical significance of this location.

Daisy did pretty well in the car. The biggest problem we had was that she kept wanting to hop up front with us. I think she likes to watch where we are going, because she takes a really long time to lay down any time we go for a car ride. We tried to keep pushing her into the back and she would creep back up and put her paws on the middle console - and then further - and further - until she ended up in your lap. (The passenger's lap, not the drivers!)
We'll have to work on that and find a way to keep her in the back if she comes with us on any longer car rides. Any suggestions?

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