
Saturday, February 25, 2012

Daisy's super fancy dog park

Anybody that has ever owned a dog while living in an apartment knows how glorious dog parks are. They give the dogs the chance to run around and get some energy out and also meet some new doggy friends. That is why when Michele and I choose a neighborhood to live in, we were thrilled to notice a  bunch of dogs playing in a "dog park" just down the street. Why the quotes? Oh - just check out the pictures.

What is this you ask? A tennis court? 
You let your dog run around on the neighborhood tennis courts?  
Who do you think I am?
Take another look...

Oh some large fences and netting in the middle of the tennis court.
Well, that makes the tennis court kind of useless.
 In that case, that's a great city - neighborhood dog park
Minus any grass...
And the fact that some of the dogs play so hard that the cement hurts their feet.
But, it's fenced and literally 3 minutes from the apartment.
So...I'll take it and so will Daisy

I'm playing with some online photo-editors, so this is just a basic collage using Picasa, but it was such a nice day and Daisy was having so much fun with that toy it seemed like a good place to start.
Daisy hopes you are having a good weekend! She enjoyed some play time in boyfriend's backyard this morning, and was super thrilled that Kentucky beat Vandy, because that meant that she could stay curled up in his lap during the game. 

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